Tag: corporate law


Anticipatory breach or repudiation is a well-recognized concept in Indian courts and the law on it is fairly well settled. In instances of an anticipatory breach, it is at the discretion of the injured party being notified of the breach as to whether it wants to put an end to the contract or keep it alive for its benefit.

Impact of Social Security Code, 2020 on Employees’ State Insurance Scheme

The Code on Social Security (the Code), passed with a view to repeal and consolidate existing labor laws and facilitate ease of doing business, has introduced several changes in the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme. This article brings forth the features pertaining to the ESI Scheme under the said Code, which proves crucial for both the employee(s) as well as the employer(s). A snippet of these features are as follows:

EU Imposes Fine on Meta, Indian Businesses on Alert: Part 1

The European Union (EU) has issued a 1.2 billion euro fine on Meta Inc. for transferring the personal data of EU subjects to the United States (US). The present article series is divided into two parts. Part 1 of the series explains the European Data Protection Board’s (EDPB) decision in the light of the events that transpired and Part 2 of the series attempts to highlight the impact of this decision on Indian businesses operational in Europe.

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