IN THE COURT OF Hon’ble _______,

Ld. ____________, Gurgaon

Civil Suit No. ___/2021

In re:-

  1. (Name of the Plaintiff – 1)
  2. (Name of the Plaintiff – 2)                                                              … PLAINTIFF(S)   


  1. (Name of the Defendant – 1)
  2. (Name of the Defendant – 2)                                                    … DEFENDANT(S)

The above named (Name of the Plaintiff/defendant), do hereby appoint _________________________ (herein after called the Advocate/s) to be our Advocate in the above – noted case authorize them:-

  1. To act, appear and plead in the above-noted case in this court or in any other court in which the same may be tried or heard and also in the appellate court including High Court.
  2. To sign file, verify and present pleadings, appeals cross-objection or petitions for executions review, revision, withdrawal, compromise or other petitions or affidavits or other documents as may be deemed necessary or proper for the prosecution of the said case in all its stages.
  3. To file and take back documents, to admit and/or deny the documents of opposite party.
  4. To withdraw or compromise the said case or submit to arbitration any differences of disputes that may arise touching or in any manner relating to the said case. To take execution proceedings.
  5. To deposit, draw and receive money, cheques and grant receipts hereof and to do all other acts and things which may be necessary to be done for the progress and in the course of the case.
  6. To appoint and instruct any other Legal Practitioner authorizing them to exercise the power and authority hereby conferred upon the Advocate(s) whenever they may think fit to do so.
  7. And we undersigned to hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts done by the Advocate or his substitute in the matter as our own acts, as if done by us to all intents and purpose.
  8. And we undertake that we or our duly authorized agent would appear in court on all hearings and will inform the Advocate(s) for appearance when the case is called.

IN WITNESS WHERE OF, We do hereunto set our hand to these presents the contents of which have been understood by us on (Date).  Accepted subject to the terms of the fees.

Advocate                                                       Client                                                      Client


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