Performance of Contracts in Indian Law    

Introduction to Performance of Contracts

Performance of a contract is fulfilling the obligations as agreed. It is essential for the discharge of the contract.

Types of Performance in Contract Law

  • Actual Performance: Complete fulfillment of contractual obligations.
  • Attempted Performance: When a party offers to perform their obligations but is prevented by the other party.

Obligations in Performance of Contracts

  • Who Must Perform: Obligations typically lie with the promisor or their agent.
  • Joint and Several Performance: When multiple parties are involved.

Time and Place of Contract Performance

Contracts must be performed at the agreed time and place. If not specified, reasonable time and place apply.

Discharge of Contracts in India

  • By Performance: Completion of contractual duties.
  • By Agreement: Mutual agreement to end the contract.
  • By Impossibility: When performance becomes impossible.
  • By Lapse of Time: After a significant period, without performance.
  • By Operation of Law: Legal provisions cause discharge.
  • By Breach: Breach leading to termination.


Understanding the performance of contracts is crucial for ensuring obligations are met and minimizing disputes.

Other useful links:

Visit our publication page for detailed articles on contemporary legal issues and updates, including: Specific Performance of Contracts in India, E-Contracts: Legal Validity and Enforcement in India

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