“The judicial system in the country is almost on the verge of collapse. Our judicial system is creaking under the..

“The judicial system in the country is almost on the verge of collapse. Our judicial system is creaking under the..
________________ ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS _________________ CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY SECTIONS Short title, extent and commencement. Definitions. Prevention of sexual harassment…
An employer can be subjected to a penalty of up to INR 50,000 for:• Failure to constitute Internal Complaints Committee•..
Introduction – Orders For Custody And Disposal Of Property Pending Trial In Certain Cases When any property is produced before..
Generally workplace sexual harassment refers to two common forms of inappropriate behaviour: • Quid Pro Quo (literally ‘this for that’)..
This article is regarding the case of frontier dispute between Burkina Faso v. Mali. What is of importance here is..
The WTO Agreements containing special provisions give developing countries special rights and developed countries the possibility to treat developing countries..
Etymologically, tort signifies conduct which is crooked or twisted. This branch of law has received different definitions by different writers..
Communication, acceptance, and revocation of proposals The communication of proposals, the acceptance of proposals, and the revocations, respectively, are deemed..
“Life is not mere living but living in health. Health is not the absence of illness but a glowing vitality..