Subsequent Changes and alterations S.61 -Noting of closing and opening of branches – When a registered firm discontinues business at..

Subsequent Changes and alterations S.61 -Noting of closing and opening of branches – When a registered firm discontinues business at..
“…death is final. This finality makes it proper to regard death as the most serious harm that may be inflicted..
Section 56 to 71 of the Partnership Act deals with the provisions for the registration of a Partnership firm The..
1. UNLAWFUL OBJECTS AND CONSIDERATION Through this Article we shall attempt to make you understand about Consideration as the blood..
The Rights and duties of partners with each other and with respect to the firm are divided into two categories-..
Valid contracts are basically, the contracts which are enforceable by law. We know that all contracts are agreements but not..
All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful..
The parties to a contract must either perform, or offer to perform, their respective promises, unless such performance is dispensed..
MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 13th November, 2020 G.S.R. 713 (E).— The following draft rules, which..
Ministry of Labour and Employment Notification New Delhi, the 29th October, 2020 G.S.R. 684(E).—The following draft rules, which the..