EU Imposes Fine on Meta, Indian Businesses on Alert: Part 2

Part 1 of this series discussed the EDPB’s findings on Meta’s illegal data transfers to the US and its decision to impose a 1.2 Billion Euro fine on Meta. In Part 2, the article attempts to highlight the impact of this decision on Indian businesses with active platforms in the EA/EU region. While doing so, it articulates Meta’s response to the EDPB, India’s existing international data transfer and retention policy, the data protection framework between India and the EU, and the way forward.

EU Imposes Fine on Meta, Indian Businesses on Alert: Part 1

The European Union (EU) has issued a 1.2 billion euro fine on Meta Inc. for transferring the personal data of EU subjects to the United States (US). The present article series is divided into two parts. Part 1 of the series explains the European Data Protection Board’s (EDPB) decision in the light of the events that transpired and Part 2 of the series attempts to highlight the impact of this decision on Indian businesses operational in Europe.

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